本系Joe Maganga Zonda 博士榮獲 2023 年台灣經濟學會博士論文甄選「實證論文佳作獎」

國立東華大學經濟學系很榮幸的宣布,本系Joe Maganga Zonda 博士榮獲 2023 年台灣經濟學會博士論文甄選「實證論文佳作獎」。Zonda 博士是此項殊榮的唯一得主。我們也誠摯向指導老師張銘仁教授表示祝賀與感謝。

2023 年台灣經濟學會博士論文甄選結果


Department of Economics, National Dong Hwa University, is proud to announce that Dr. Joe Maganga Zonda has been awarded the Honorable Mention Empirical Dissertation Award at the 2023 Taiwan Economic Association's doctoral thesis selection. Dr. Zonda is the sole recipient of this prestigious award. We acknowledge and extend our congratulations to Prof. Ming-Jen Chang as Joe’s advisor. Congratulations on this outstanding achievement!